Privacy Policy

Policy Statement

Six Aesthetics is committed to providing a confidential service to its users. For the purpose of this policy, privacy relates to the sharing of personal, sensitive or identifiable information about individuals which comes into the possession of the organisation through its work. Six Aesthetics holds personal data about its staff and service users, which will only be used for the purposes for which it was gathered and will not be disclosed to anyone outside of the organisation without prior permission. All personal data will be dealt with sensitively and in the strictest confidence internally and externally.



  • All personal data must be stored in accordance with the GDPR 2018 and must be secured against unauthorised access, accidental disclosure, loss or destruction

  • All data must only be accessible to those individuals authorised to have access

  • Six Aesthetics is committed to effective review of the use of and quality of its services in order to monitor performance. Any audit records shared with third parties, such as to support staff appraisal or monitoring reports for regulators shall be produced in anonymous form, so individuals cannot be recognised


Collecting Information

We may collect personal information about you if you:

  • Become a patient and/or undergo treatment

  • Get in contact with us via telephone, SMS, online including website and social media or in person

  • Use our website

  • Enquire about or book any consultation/treatment/service

  • Complete any forms or surveys from us, both online and paper format

  • Participate in a promotion/competition, or engage with any other marketing material

  • Make payments including cash, credit/debit card or online payment

  • Provide us with the personal details of your next of kin


Sharing Information

We do not sell, lease or distribute your personal information to third parties.

We may share your personal information with:

  • Other members of the team as part of your ongoing care, or for the purpose of management for the business

  • Selected third party service providers such as pharmacies, pathology services or other service providers in order to provide your treatment

  • Where you have opted in to receive marketing information, with selected approved third-party service providers to send marketing information

  • Organisations providing cloud based clinical software, IT hosting/systems support where your information is stored

  • Third party payment processors (e.g. Stripe/Paypal) if making payments online

  • We may share your medical and treatment information with:

  • Consultants or other medical professionals solely for the purpose of obtaining a second opinion, or to provide you with better treatment

  • There may be exceptional circumstances where we have a duty to disclose personal information in order to comply with the law or regulatory requirements

  • Insurers/indemnifiers for complaints resolution

  • Your GP if it is considered clinically advisable to do so. You can opt out of this, but you should be aware that it could be potentially detrimental to your treatment or health and may mean we are unable to continue with your treatment

  • Medical personnel in the event of an emergency

If you have provided personal information of your next of kin, it is your responsibility to ensure that this individual is aware of this and that they accept our privacy policy.


Use of Information

Information will always have a lawful basis and we only use any information for the purposes for which it was gathered. It will not be disclosed to anyone outside of the organisation without prior permission, with the exceptions as listed within this policy. We require the information to understand your needs and to provide you with a better service, for example:

  • Sending appointment reminders, treatment consent and post-treatment documents

  • Internal record keeping

  • Improvements to our treatments, products and services

  • If you have opted in, sending marketing information

  • We may use information to customise the website according to your interests


Health Information

The clinician is obligated to make contemporaneous notes of any patient interaction, including:

  • Medical History

  • Examination and/or assessment

  • Treatment recommendations and plan

  • Consent

  • Any treatment provided

  • Pre and post treatment photographs

  • Aftercare advice provided

  • Arrangement for follow up if required

This sensitive personal information is only made available to other treating clinicians to benefit your ongoing care, with the exceptions as listed within this policy.


Storage of Medical Records

  • Medical records generated by Six Aesthetics are the property of Six Aesthetics

  • The medical records must be stored in a locked environment where unauthorised access cannot be obtained

  • Medical records should be retained for a period of 10 years

  • The security of any copies of records provided to the patient is the responsibility of the patient

  • Medical records maintained digitally are password protected and access to them limited to authorised persons only


Protecting Confidentiality using Computers

  • Computer screens are not visible to members of the public

  • Access to data held on a computer is password protected and access limited to authorised persons only


Protecting Confidentiality using Social Media or Mobile Devices

  • All communication by text or messenger apps is treated confidentially

  • Where mobile devices are used, devices are be password protected and stored securely

  • Explicit and written consent must be obtained for sharing any patient information, including photographs, on social media


Breaches of Confidentiality

Six Aesthetics recognises that occasions may arise where individual workers feel they need to breach confidentiality. Confidential or sensitive information relating to an individual may be divulged where there is risk of danger to the individual, a volunteer or employee, or the public at large, or where it is against the law to withhold it. In these exceptional circumstances, information may be divulged to external agencies e.g. police or social services on a need to know basis.



If you have opted-in to Six Aesthetics using your personal information for marketing purposes, we may send you information via email/mail/telephone calls/SMS/messenger apps/social media about products, services, promotions and news that we think may be of interest to you. You have the right to opt out of any of these modalities or opt out entirely at any time. If you no longer wish to receive any marking information, please email us.

Our website may contain links to websites of third parties, please not that if you follow a link then these websites will have their own privacy policies and we do not accept liability for these policies.


Access to your Data

You have the right to:

  • Ask us not to process your personal information, but if in our opinion this amounts to withdrawal of consent from your medical records then we may not be able to continue your treatment

  • Ask us not to process your personal information with regards to marketing information as outlined above

  • Request a copy of your medical and treatment information. You will not be charged for this. All records will be supplied in an electronic format within one month of the receipt of the request. All requests are subject to appropriate identification checks.

  • Have personal contact information changed and updated


Changes to this Policy

Six Aesthetics will occasionally update this policy to reflect legislative and company changes as well as patient feedback. We encourage you to periodically review this policy. This policy was last updated in October 2022.


Contact and Complaints

Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed, please get in touch via email or telephone call. Additionally, if you would like to receive this Privacy Policy in any other format, please contact us.


If you are not satisfied with how your request has been handled, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office: or by calling 0303 123 1113.