Terms & Conditions


  • All patients are required to provide contact details; including address, telephone and email in order to secure an appointment.

  • All patients must confirm they are over the age of 18 years old. Unfortunately, no one under the age of 18 will be treated. Original copies of identification/proof of age may be requested.

  • All clients will complete a medical history form at or prior to their first appointment, this is necessary to inform the consultation and treatment planning process.

  • All information will be treated as confidential and protected in accordance with Data Protection legislation

  • Patient information will not be shared with third parties without permission and you will not receive unsolicited information from us.

  • You may choose to remove yourself from our mailing list or opt out of marketing communications at any time.



  • We will endeavor to send an appointment reminder a day or two before your appointment, either by text or email.

  • Please provide as much notice as possible if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, so that we may make best use of our appointment diary.

  • We will take a nominal deposit of £50 when booking consultation appointments. There is no commitment to buy a treatment during this consultation, and this deposit can be deducted against treatment or product costs or kept as credit on your account. This deposit is lost if appointments are cancelled or rescheduled with less than 48 hours notice.

  • We will ask for 50% of the cost treatment at the time of booking, when booking treatment appointments.

  • If you attend late for your appointment, we may be required to reschedule your appointment and ask for a new deposit to be paid

  • Please do NOT attend the clinic for an appointment if you are unwell. If you are unsure, please call and discuss with the practitioner. Many treatments are contraindicated if you are unwell; this includes colds, cold sores or local skin infections.

  • Cancellations can be made by phone, email or in person. Please do not make cancellation or appointment requests on social media

  • Routine review appointments are offered after treatment with botulinum toxin as a courtesy. No additional treatment or ‘top up’ is provided free of charge once the review period of 2-3 weeks has passed.

  • New patients are seen for a face-to-face consultation and assessment; except in exceptional circumstances with prior arrangement. We do not offer treatment on the first visit for new patients.

  • Non-emergency hyaluronidaise treatment cannot be performed without prior assessment and test patch. 

New Patient – Telephone Consultation

Whilst telephone consultations are discouraged, we acknowledge some circumstances when this service may be helpful; particularly for our patients who will be travelling long distances. New patients, seeking advice from a practitioner in a telephone discussion, require a diary appointment of 30 minutes. Patients must call the clinic at the time agreed unless other arrangements are made. A charge of £50 will be taken in advance.


We do not treat children or young adults under the age of 18 under any circumstances.

Please do not bring children to the clinic. Children will not be allowed to accompany you during consultation or treatment. If you attend an appointment with a child/children, you will not be seen and you will forfeit any deposit paid.



We have a no pet policy, excluding service dogs



  • You will be advised of the full costs of any treatment plan proposed and agreed, including that of any likely maintenance treatment, before any treatment is undertaken.

  • 50% of the cost of treatment is taken at the time of booking, and the remaining 50% will be taken upfront at the treatment appointment.

  • The clinic accepts all major debit and credit cards, we are no longer accepting cash

  • For botulinum toxin treatments, the deposit taken at the time of booking is non-refundable as the product is ordered and prepared in advance

  • Discounts/vouchers cannot be applied to botulinum toxin treatments



Fees charged for treatment are for the delivery of a treatment and the accompanying service, which is inclusive of:

  • Consultation and assessment

  • Provision of information and advice

  • Safe treatment with premium, evidence-based products

  • Follow up appointments and aftercare advice, and support as appropriate

Due to hygiene reasons, all skin care products are non-returnable/refundable


Treatment Disclaimer

Due to the nature of non-surgical and non-invasive treatments, results cannot be guaranteed. We undertake to provide an excellent service; factual, honest and ethical advice, safe, expert treatment in experienced hands and only the best products. We cannot guarantee your results and cannot offer refunds if the results achieved fail to meet your expectations. Results vary from person to person. The information provided is intended to help individuals make an informed decision about treatments we offer, we do not offer medical advice or diagnose medical conditions.


Refusal of Treatment

We reserve the right to refuse to provide consultation/treatment/service to anyone at any time, including but not limited to declining treatment due to any contraindicatory condition(s).



We will not be liable in contract, tort or otherwise for any economic loss (including, without limitation, loss of profit), or for any other special, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising out of, or in connection with, its provision of any goods and/or services that we offer to the client. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that he or she provides us with all relevant medical history and information about pre-existing medical conditions before each treatment.

We will not be liable for any damage, including personal injury, sustained as a result of the client’s failure to disclose such details. By having a treatment, the client agrees to follow all instructions and/or recommendations given to them regarding the care of a treated area.

Complaints procedure

We aim to exceed all our clients’ expectations every time, if you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service please contact us straight away. The quickest and most effective way of resolving concerns is to discuss it with us in person at the time of the appointment, or to contact us either by telephone or email. We will listen carefully to your concerns and do what we can to correct any issues and provide a suitable solution.


The Law

The above terms and conditions are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.


Website Use

Unless otherwise stated, we own the intellectual property rights of the website and its content. All the intellectual property rights are reserved. The information on our website is subject to copyright law. Without our explicit, written consent you must not:

  • Republish or redistribute material from our website

  • Sell or lease material from our website

  • Show any material from our website or social media in public

  • Reproduce, duplicate, copy or otherwise exploit the material for commercial purposes

  • Modify the material in any way

By using our website, you confirm that you are over the age of consent. A breach or violation of any of these terms will result in immediate action on our part.


Website Information

Although we take care to ensure the content of our website is up-to-date with accurate information, it is possible that some inaccuracies may occur. We will do our best to ensure that there are no typographical errors or omissions, and may make changes to the content of the website without warning. The website is designed to provide generalised information and is not a substitute for a clinical assessment, it should not be the only source of information for making decisions about treatment and to do so would be at your own risk.


Third-Party Links

Our website may contain links to websites of third parties. These third parties are not affiliated with us and we will not have any liability for the content or material of their websites or any services, products or transactions they provide. Complaints, claims or questions regarding third parties should be discussed with them directly.


Personal Information

All personal information stored by us will be in accordance with the GDPR legislation and our Privacy Policy



Please get in touch via phone call or email if you have any questions regarding the terms and conditions or any other aspect of our service